Statement of Faith

In a world plagued by the loss of hope & consumed with self, we focus on Jesus, who has shown us what real love is.

We live in an age where there’s a religion for every day of the week, where celebrities define our country’s ideals, & where “truth” is almost a bad word. Yet we have seen a glimpse of heaven & seen amazing things here on Earth as we place our faith in the Creator of all things.

What We Believe In

God. There is one God eternally manifested in the persons of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

His Son. In the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, in His vicarious & atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension & in His personal return in power & glory upon the earth.

His Spirit. The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father to implement the grace of salvation in the life of an unbeliever & to permanently indwell each believer, empowering them with wisdom, strength & gifts to lead a life of Christ-like character & bear fruit to the glory of the Father.

His Word. The Bible is the inspired & infallible authoritative Word of God.

Salvation. Regeneration & conversion through faith in Jesus Christ are absolutely essential for the salvation of lost & sinful humanity & that water baptism by immersion is the biblical testimony of that conversion.

Evangelism. We accept the commission of Jesus Christ, who is Lord, to make disciples of all nations, to baptize them & teach them to observe His commandments.

Resurrection. The bodily resurrection of the just & unjust; the just unto eternal life & the unjust into eternal death.

Unity. The spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ & that as Christians we are to meet together regularly for worship, ordinances & the encouragement of one another.

Covenants. God is a covenant-making & keeping God. He has made promises to those who respond to His love by committing their lives to Him. We believe all those who are in covenant with God should keep their covenant with their spouse, in addition to showing love and respect for everyone.